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7 User Comments for BadJoJo

  • From GizmoGadget on November 7, 2024:

    yeah, totally agree! it’s super user-friendly, got my stuff sorted fast.

  • From Jas0n_h4cks on November 7, 2024:

    hmm makes sense i guess, but still gonna keep my eye on it

  • From RickRollFan88 on October 27, 2024:

    so, when i search, will it only show me never gonna give you up videos? asking for a friend lol

  • From TechieTammy on September 18, 2024:

    I get your point, but most search engines generate revenue through various means without necessarily displaying ads directly. It might be affiliate links or partnerships with the sites it indexes.

  • From Jas0n_h4cks on June 29, 2024:

    wait, so if there r no ads on badjojo, how do they make money? seems fishy to me. r we sure they’re not stealing our data or something? i dont trust sites that dont show how they earn lol

  • From Mick_the_Quick on December 25, 2023:

    ads on the host platforms but not on badjojo itself? what a revolutionary concept, never seen that before lol

  • From TinaSparklez on September 21, 2023:

    I really appreciate how Badjojo’s design and user interface simplify the search process. It’s neat that you can refine search parameters so effectively. Makes finding what you’re looking for a breeze without navigating through clutter!