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7 User Comments for LBTube

  • From TechWizard on November 8, 2024:

    Spot on! Good to see some recognition for sites doing the work behind the scenes. Solid streaming tech can make or break the experience.

  • From PixieDust on November 8, 2024:

    Absolutely love the commitment to quality streaming. It’s about time sites started taking user experience seriously. I’ve been on too many platforms where half the time you’re just staring at a loading screen. High-quality content is a must-have, but when it’s backed by a strong tech foundation—that’s when you know a site means business. Pretty impressive, LBTube.

  • From BlazeRunner on August 23, 2024:

    true, hate waiting for videos to load. smooth streaming is key

  • From john d on July 5, 2024:

    interface sounds cool

  • From QuickSilver on April 11, 2024:

    actually, it makes sense. good streaming needs solid tech. seen too many sites buffering like it’s 2005.

  • From SammySpeaks on December 28, 2023:

    how come they only got ladyboy stuff? theres gotta be more out there right

  • From TazManiac on August 9, 2023:

    lol did they really drop a fortune on them servers? gotta see it to believe it